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Exercise No. 20: Handling of a Customer Call

Transfer the following verbal description into an EPC

a) When a customer calls, it is either to place a new order, or to ask for technical support, for information regarding an order, or none of the mentioned reasons.

b) If the customer wants to place a new order, then the call centre agent who takes the call first will put the customer through to a sales representative, who will then collect the necessary information for the order.

c) For technical assistance, the call centre agent transfers the call to a technical support agent, who will provide the necessary support using the technical data sheet of the product.

d) For information to an existing order and for all other inquiries, the call is transferred to customer service. Should the line be engaged, then the customer will need to wait until the customer service agent becomes available.

e) Thereafter the customer service agent starts processing the customer´s request. If it is not possible to complete it, then the supervisor is consulted for help. If so, the request is completed.

f) Should the supervisor be unable to help, the request is declined and the customer informed.