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Exercise No. 19: Capturing a Sales Order

Transfer the following verbal description into an EPC

a) Upon receipt of an order from a customer or from sales, sales support uses the "Sales & Distribution" module (SD) to verify if customer master data is available.

b) If this is a new customer, then the accounts receivables department (AR) is asked to create the customer master data. The systems used for that purpose are AR and SD.

c) Thereafter customer service captures the order in SD and performs a credit limit check on the order. If the customer´s credit limit is not exceeded then customer service posts the order and the process is completed.

d) If the credit limit is exceeded, then the order is put on hold. The accounts receivables department inquires the reasons for the hold and asks customer service to cancel the order if the reasons are permanent. The process is completed in this case.

e) If the reasons for the credit hold are temporary, then the system checks regularly for incoming payments and releases the order if the credit is within the limit; customer service then posts the order.

f) If the credit limit is still exceeded, then the order is kept on hold and the whole credit limit checking process starts all over again until the limit is met.