Ein Mann hält ein Papierflugzeug aus einer Weltkarte in die Höhe

Exchange semester (doctorate/PhD)

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Students are exchanging ideas.

Exchange for Doctoral and PhD students supported by the International Office

WU’s International Office can support an exchange semester on PhD level under certain circumstances.

Option 1: Erasmus+ program

Option 2: ENGAGE.EU PhD exchange (online or on campus)

Option 3: NEURUS - Network of European and US Regional and Urban Studies

Self-organized exchange for WU doctoral students

Doctoral and PhD students may organize an international mobility themselves. For overseas partner universities, the International Office may be able to provide contact information to facilitate a self-organized exchange. Please note, however, that no other administrative support from the International Office will be available for such a mobility. Funding might be available through the Doctoral Office in some cases (doktoratsreferat@wu.ac.at).

For a comprehensive overview of WU’s mobility programs, including programs available to WU’s academic staff, please see the WU Faculty Mobility Portal.

Numerous opportunities for gaining international experience are available for doctoral-level students at WU. These include special grants and scholarships, invitations from partner universities, etc. Information about this will be forwarded and announced via WU's newsletter for doctoral students.

Mobility grants from the Doctoral Office

Mobility grants for doctoral/PhD candidates are intended to support travel expenses and encourage mobility. Depending on the yearly budget, an amount of up to €2000 per applicant may be granted. Further information is available on this website.