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Exercise No.8: Modifying Order Data

Transfer the following verbal description into a BPMN:

a) In the case of order changes, work schedule changes or Malfunction/breakdown, the order data has to be modified by the Planning department.

b) In the next step, the Planning Manager evaluates the order (based on the order & order changes) and may either decide in case of changing to divide tasks to clerks/persons in charge (based on personnel availability), or in case of new to redesign the whole order by the Planning employees.

c) After his decision, the Planning Manager has to select a work schedule for both options. Then he has also to select a plant and decide on operations sequence (based on the work process).

d) At the stage of deciding on the operations sequence, he has to define the work process and the work place group at the same time.

e) Finally, the process ends with the order data being successfully modified.