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Exercise No. 24: Material Master

Transfer the following verbal description into a BPMN:

a) Upon receipt of a broom material master creation request by the Purchasing department, the responsible purchaser has to create the material master in SAP ECC System.

b) In the initial screen, the responsible purchaser has to define industry sector “Mechanical Engineering” and also define the material number at the same time. Common risk in defining the material number is the manual entry of it, which can cause manual entry failure. A control to this risk is to let the system define the material number itself.

c) The entries may be now confirmed. As a result, the material master tabs are listed.

d) The purchaser has then to select all tabs and to save the selected setting as default setting.

e) The selection may then be confirmed, resulting in displaying the organizational data.

f) In the next step, the organizational data are to be defined at the same time, which are: specify the plant, the storage location, the sales organization and the distribution channel.

g) After that the entries may be executed.

h) In the next step, the different tabs has to be defined in sequence, which are: define basic data, classification data, sales data, purchasing data, MRP data 1, MRP data 2, remaining MRP data & forecasting and Accounting & Costing data.

i) In defining the first tab “define basic data”, following parameters are to be defined at the same time: material name, unit of measure, material group and weight unit. After entering the parameters, the entries can be confirmed.

j) In the second tab “define classification data”, the responsible purchaser has to activate the search function – first “Class” entry (using Common Procurement Vocabulary “CPV”) and select the first search filter “find via keyword”. As a result CPV codes are displayed. After that the selection have to be confirmed.

k) In the third tab “ define sales data”, the output tax charged to customers have to be defined, the item category group has to be set to “NORM, Standard” and the availability checking group “01” have to be defined.

l) In the fourth tab “define purchasing data” only the purchase order text has to be defined.

m) In the fifth tab “define MRP data 1”, the responsible maintenance has to define the general data which consists of: defining purchasing group and defining MRP group “0000”. Then he has to define MRP procedure, which determines how demand is calculated. MRP Procedure consists of defining: the MRP type, the reorder point and the MRP Controller.  The responsible purchaser has to further define the lot size data, which contains: defining the lot size and defining the fixed lot size. After that the entries have to be executed.

n) In the sixth tab “define MRP data 2” also the general data has to be first defined, containing of: defining planned delivery time, GR (Goods Receipt) processing time, scheduling margin key (001), safety stock or service level % and minimum safety stock. Combining, the planned delivery time and the GR processing time will lead to define the replenishment lead time. After entering all parameters, the entries have then to be confirmed.

o) In the seventh tab “define remaining MRP data, Forecasting”, the availability checking procedure (01) and the forecasting model have to be defined. After defining the required parameters, the entries have to be executed again.

p) In the last tab “define Accounting & Costing data”, the valuation parameters have to be defined, which contains of: defining valuation class, price control and the price. In defining the price control, the responsible purchaser can either select variable moving average (V) or select standard price (S). After entering the required parameters, the entries have to be executed again.

q) The last step in this process is to save the material master and finally the material master for the boom is successfully created.