Studierende stehen vor dem LC und blicken lächelnd einer Kollegin mit einer Mappe in der Hand nach.

Exercise No.2: Lend a Book

Transfer the following verbal description into a BPMN:

a) Upon realizing that a book lending is required, the student has to request to lend the book.

b) Afterwards, a reply on the book status will be sent and the book maybe either on loan/unavailable or available.

c) If the book is available, the student has to submit the order to lend it and process ends with lending the book.

d) On the other hand, if the book is unavailable/on loan, the student may either decide to cancel the request if it is on loan for 1 month and the process ends with canceling the request or if the book is on loan for only 2 weeks the student will chose to hold the request and request to hold the book for the next reservation.

e) After 2 weeks, the student will receive the availability of the book status and get the book. Finally, the process ends when the book is lent.