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Exercise No. 11: Vendor Evaluation

Transfer the following verbal description into a BPMN:

a) Vendor Evaluation needs to be maintained for a particular group of vendors by the Purchasing department using SAP Material Management (MM) System.

b) On receiving a vendor evaluation request, vendors have to be evaluated in SAP by an MM Employee. The purchasing organization and vendors have to be specified at the same time.

c) Then, the performance of the vendors on basis of the main criteria scores available in the system have to be compared. In case the main criteria entered in the system are not enough for the evaluation process, further main criteria can be maintained in the system.

d) After deciding on entering further main criteria or not, one can assign different weights to the individual criteria in the system.

e) In the next step, subcriteria out of the main criteria can be further defined. After this point, the scores calculation method for sub criteria has to be decided on.

f) There are three methods for calculating subcriteria scores, which are evaluating vendors manually, semi-automatically or fully-automatically.

g) When vendors are evaluated manually, scores for a subcriterion per vendor have to be entered in the system.

h) On evaluating vendors based on the semi-automatically method, the scores have to be defined at info record level.

i) In the fully automatically method, the system computes scores on basis of the existing database.

j) After deciding on the evaluating method and entering the required steps afterwards, the evaluation has to be saved and as a result the vendors’ overall scores are calculated.

k) Based on these calculated scores, performance of the vendors have to be measured. One can also display vendor rank list for comparing performance and finally the evaluation process for vendors is successfully maintained.