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Exercise No. 11: Credit Limit Check (Simplified)

Transfer the following verbal description into an ERM

a) Credit limit check parameter (ChkCr-ID) determines which type of credit check (no check, simple check,...) is performed for each of the sales document types (SaTy-ID). A sales document type can only be assigned to one ChkCr-ID.

b) There are credit groups (CGr-#) for e.g. sales order, delivery and goods issue. A credit group can be assigned to several sales document types, whereas a sales document type can only be assigned to one credit group.

c) Many sales document types can be assigned to the same billing type (BTy-#) and the same delivery type (DelTy-#). Sales document types are uniquely assigned to a billing type and a delivery type.

d) The system can automatically propose a block reason (Block-#) for sales documents that must be checked before billing. A block can be assigned to several sales document types, whereas a sales document type is assigned to one block reason only.