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Exercise No. 17 : Retirement preparation for self-employment

Transfer the following verbal description into a BPMN:

a) Importantly the pension account is checked regularly by the self-employed person, to see the current account credit for the pension. 
b) The self-employed person calculates his/her expected pension amount. If he/she was born on or after January 1, 1955, the pension account calculator is a practical tool for calculating the future pension entitlement by entering the amount of the total credit and a few personal details to see the expected gross and net pension per month. If he/she was born before January 1, 1955, he/she can use another tool or system to calculate his/her expected pension. 
c) Thereafter, the self-employed person has the opportunity to check their insurance periods and pension entitlement 2 to 3 years before the real retirement date by getting a statement of insurance data.

d) If a mobile signature is available, he/she can request the statement online. Otherwise, he/she can also request the statement by phone, email or in person at the local office. The insurance number or a photo ID is required as identification. The statement will be received by post. 
e) The self-employed person then checks the information. If a data correction is required, he/she can make an application to supplement the insurance periods.  
f) Subsequently, he/she can calculate the exact date of retirement on the PVA portal. 
g) Finally, the pension application must be submitted two months before the retirement date. It can be submitted online or in person at the office.