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Exercise No. 15 : Business travel order

Transfer the following verbal description into a BPMN:

a) The employee fills out a business travel application prior to commencing the business journey. The business travel application is then forwarded to the employer. 
b) The employer checks the application and then makes a decision based on the budget. If the budget is sufficient, the travel request will be accepted. The employer sends the signed application to the applicant. If there are not enough funds available, the request will be refused. 
c) If the employee needs an advance payment, he/she will fill out an "advance application" form, which he/she will send to the travel center together with the business travel application.  
d) The travel center then transfers the money to the employee's bank account using travel processing software. 
e) The employee fills out another billing form after returning from the trip and sends it to the travel center. 
f) Subsequently, the travel center processes the billing. If questions occur, they will be clarified with the employee. The travel agency again uses the travel processing software for the billing.