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Exercise No. 14 : Serving in a coffee shop

Transfer the following verbal description into a BPMN:

a) The customer enters the coffee shop, then determines their needs by reading the menu, which includes coffees, desserts and snacks. After determining their needs, the customer joins the end of the queue. 
b) The coffee shop employee welcomes the customer and then asks for their order.  If the product is available, the employee enters the order in the POS system. Otherwise, he/she offers an alternative. If the customer accepts the alternative, the process continues, and if the customer rejects it, he/she leaves the shop and the process ends. 
c) Next, the customer pays the requested amount of money either in cash, after which the employee puts the money in the cash box, or by card using the credit card terminal. 

d) After taking the payment, the employee asks whether the customer wants to stay in the coffee shop or take the order with him/her. The employee prepares the order based on the customer’s need. 
e) The employee then gives the order to the customer and the customer either stays in the coffee shop or leaves. As a result, the order is completed.