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Campus WU News

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WU’s New Campus: an Extra-ordinary Concept to Serve All Needs

Europe's largest university construction site is located in Vienna: Six building complexes offering some 100,000m² net floor space are being built between the Prater park and the Vienna Exhibition Grounds, establishing a new urban quarter designed to house WU's 27,000 students.

WU's new campus is impressive not only because of its dimensions: Designed to be extraordinary, the unique combination of buildings and open spaces will only offer WU's students and staff an ideal working environment but also attract visitors to the site.

A visionary concept focusing on sustainability

The new campus will represent a modern university well aware of its responsibility as a public institution. The entire site has been shaped around the vision of a sustainable university. Vice-Rector for Financial Affairs and Infrastructure Regina Prehofer explains: "This project is sustainable not only on the economic and ecological level, but focuses also on our responsibility in terms of social sustainability. Moreover, we want to be an active player in the district and add to its attractiveness and appeal." The project is characterized by three main aspects: It aims to be modern yet economically and socially responsible. On the functional level, it redefines the intersections between teaching and research as well as between university and public life. On the technical level, a single, over-all concept unites the individual architectures of the site's six building complexes. Underneath the surface, a central facility management system ensures the highest possible efficiency. "This includes energy supply as well as air conditioning, sanitary facilities and structural aspects. The aim is to minimize costs and maximize efficiency", explains Prehofer.

One campus to serve all needs

The new campus is designed to provide all of WU's students with an ideal environment, bachelor students as well as graduate students. The Auditorium Center, the Library and Learning Center (LLC), and the cafeteria are laid out for large numbers of visitors. Aiming at a strong sense of community among WU's students, the new campus will offer various areas to network, enjoy a break from their busy schedules, and study together. Various smaller rooms and spaces are integrated into the campus as perfect working and learning environments for both individuals and groups. Students as well as employees will have access to all areas on campus, from lounges to the library, study rooms and all catering facilities. Since the construction works are progressing on schedule, the relocation will take place in the 2012/2013 winter semester as planned.

Contact and information:
Cornelia Moll
Press officer
Tel: + 43-1-31336-4977
