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Renowned Fulbright-Hall Chair at WU Extended until 2016/17

Excellent news for WU's internationalization strategy: The Fulbright-Kathryn and Craig Hall Distinguished Chair for Entrepreneurship in Central Europe at WU's Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation was extended for an additional three years. With a sum of $150,000 granted by the Craig and Kathryn Hall Foundation, US researchers will have the opportunity to work at WU from 2013/14 through to 2016/2017.

The sponsorship by former US Ambassador Kathryn Hall and her husband Craig - himself a successful entrepreneur in the US - provides for a three-year Fulbright grant for a guest professor from the United States from the field of entrepreneurship and innovation. "The Hall Foundation's decision was based on both the Fulbright scholars' outstanding qualifications as well as Commission's positive experiences with WU", explains Lonnie Johnson, Executive Director of the Austrian Fulbright Commission. "The regional dimension of this Distinguished Chair was and is an important issue for the Halls. This dimension is clearly supported by WU's excellent contacts in Central and Eastern Europe and the large number of WU students from this region, as well as by lectures and courses held by Fulbright-Hall scholars in other universities and business schools in the region."

US experts research and teach at WU

Designed to further research on a wide variety of subjects in the field of entrepreneurship, the Fulbright Kathryn and Craig Hall Distinguished Chair has been anchored at WU's Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation since the 2009/2010 academic year. In the spring semester of 2012, Charles Curtis Snow, Professor of Business Administration at Pennsylvania State University, will teach and research at WU's Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

International academic exchange

"The generous extension of the Fulbright sponsorship clearly shows WU´s attractiveness for US experts", Barbara Sporn, WU's Vice- Rector for Research, International Affairs and External Relations, points out. "I am happy for our faculty and students who will benefit from exchanging views and experiences with top U.S. professors on a high academic level."

Contact & Information:
Irene Zavarsky
Programs for US citizens
+43-1-236 7878 - 11