Archiv 2016

Veranstaltung "Frauenquote im 21. Jahrhundert: Impulsreferat und Podiumsdiskussion"

Donnerstag, den 15. Dezember 2016 um 18.30 Uhr.
Im Foyer der ExAc der WU Wien, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien.

Eine Veranstaltung des Instituts für Gender und Diversität in Organisationen und des Instituts für Personalmanagement, WU Wien.

Workshop with Mieke Verloo, Professor of Comparative Politics and Inequality Issues, Radboud University Nijmegen
Wednesday, November 30th 2016 14.00 – 16.00, Room TC.3.07

Mieke Verloo will share her current research on linking attention for strategies against gender inequality to other axes of privilege and power, such as race/ethnicity, class and sexuality with us, followed by a discussion on future directions of feminist and intersectional research. 

Wir freuen uns Frau Traunsteiner zum agpro-Forschungspreis 2016 gratulieren zu können, der Ihr am 23.11.2016 im feierlichen Rahmen in Wien von Melanie Wawra (Wirtschaftskammer Wien) überreicht wurde. Ausgezeichnet wurde Ihre Doktorarbeit zu den Lebenslagen von gleichgeschlechtlich l(i)ebenden Frauen im Alter.

Mit Bärbel Traunsteiner wurde nun bereits zum dritten Mal ein Angehörige des Instituts für Gender und Diversität in Organisationen mit einem Preis der agpro geehrt. Dr. Thomas Köllen erhielt 2010 den agpro-Preis (Preis der WKW) für seine Doktorarbeit über den Zusammenhang von Diversity Management und den arbeitsplatzbezogenen Selbstentwürfen homosexueller Beschäftigter. Im Jahr 2006 wurden Alexander Fleischmann und Thomas Köllen für ihre an der WU Wien abgehaltene Lehrveranstaltung „Homosexualität in Unternehmen – Handlungsansätze und deren Reflexion“ mit dem Hauptpreis der agpro ausgezeichnet. Wir freuen uns über die Anerkennung, die die Verankerung der Diversitätsdimension „sexuelle Orientierung“ in der Forschung und Lehre des Institutes durch diese Preise erfahren hat.


Artikel im WU-Memo

Fotocredit: Martin Jager

on Wednesday, 23. November 2014, 13.00,  Room D2.0.392

Abstract: Tribes or groups of people that band together primarily based on linage and geography (Hadi Alshawi & Gardner, 2013) have more recently been reported to adapt their boundary structures in order to survive their immediate challenges (Rosen, 2016). Though the existence of tribes are acknowledged throughout the globe, tribalism is a common African phenomenon which is deeply entrenched in political, social and ultimately workplace functioning. Tribalism is often cited as “backward” and in opposition with the aims of workplace diversity. The presentation will elicit debate about African tribalism in relation to power and privilege, the seemingly inherent contradictions between the aims of tribalism and workplace diversity, and parallels with the European experience.  

Presenter: Anita Bosch is an associate professor in human resource management at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. She is the lead researcher of the Women in the Workplace research programme at the Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management. Anita does research on diversity dynamics in relation to human resource management with projects on sex roles, pregnancy in the workplace, workplace inclusivity and underpinning phenomena that influence workplace diversity management.

Saija KATILA (Aalto University, School of Business): Gendering of space  
Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2016, von 16.00 – 19.00 Uhr im Raum TC.4.02

The paper contributes to research on space and gender by demonstrating how organizational space becomes gendered. It examines space and gender as intertwined sociomaterial practices. The paper is based on an ethnographic study of Helsinki Think Company which is a co-working space, event venue and an entrepreneurial community for cross-disciplinary collaboration and development of academic entrepreneurship. The study illustrates how gendering the co-working space simultaneously draws upon and subverts the symbolically masculine entrepreneurship discourse. The findings further suggest that in and through the intertwined production of space and gender the local understandings of entrepreneurship are constructed in opposition to the idealized (start-up) entrepreneurship constructed by the media and policy makers.

Saija Katila is Senior Lecturer of Organizations and Management at Aalto University, School of Business. She also holds Adjunct professorships at the Department of Management at Aalto University, School of Business as well as the University of Eastern Finland Business School. Her research interests deal with the (sociomaterial) practices of gender, diversity, management, and entrepreneurship in different organizational contexts. Her latest research focuses also on the spatial aspects of organizing.

Susan R. Madsen  (Utah Valley University): Building, Bridging, and Blazing Pathways for Women and Leadership
on Monday, October 17, 2016, 10:00 Uhr, Gebäude D2.2.643 

Abstract: Internationally recognized leadership expert, Professor Susan R. Madsen, will provide an engaging presentation that will discuss the latest research on the current status of women and leadership worldwide, why we need more women leaders, and what unique strengths women bring to leadership roles. She will also discuss some of the current challenges women face in becoming leaders and what strategies and initiatives may help moving forward. Dr. Madsen will conclude by helping attendees recognize how they can continue to strengthen their own influence while also assisting more girls and women to strengthen their confidence and to be prepared to contribute and lead in more meaningful ways in the world.  

SHORT BIO: Professor Susan R. Madsen is the Orin R. Woodbury Professor of Leadership and Ethics in the Woodbury School of Business at Utah Valley University. She is also a Visiting Fellow of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Zagreb (Croatia), a Distinguished Visiting Fellow of the Lancaster Leadership Centre in the U.K, and a Fellow of The Leadership Trust Foundation in Ross-on-Wye, England. Dr. Madsen has been involved for the last decade in researching the lifetime development of prominent women leaders around the world.

„Praxistagung - Walk the Talk: Zwischentöne organisationaler Geschlechtergleichstellung“

9. - 10. Juni 2016 an der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Olten, Schweiz

Die öffentliche Tagung "Walk the Talk" bildet den Abschluss des am Instituts für Gender und Diversität in Organisationen durchgeführten internationalen DACH-Forschungsprojekts ( zur Frage nach Gründen für Wandel und Persistenz von Geschlechterstrukturen in Organisationen. Die Tagung bietet eine Reflexionsbasis für die Ausgestaltung von Diversitypolitiken, von Entscheidungsfindungsprozessen und für die Umsetzung von Massnahmen zur Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in branchenspezifischen Kontexten.

Weiterführende Informationen zur Tagung: