Emerging Marktes Talk: Economic Dynamics and Civil Society in Wider Europe

Ort: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien , Library & Learning Center Galerie am 19. April 2018 Startet um 17:30 Endet um 19:00
Art Vortrag/Diskussion
Veranstalter Sonstige Competence Center for Emerging Markets & CEE
Kontakt emcee@wu.ac.at

Are European neighborhoods in the East and the West areas of dynamics or “rings of fire”? How big is the influence of civil sector in these countries and how important is it for the future economic development? What will be the main changes and challenges in both economic and civil sector in these countries? These questions will be addressed in two short speeches, followed by a panel discussion and questions from the audience.

We proudly welcome our (speakers and) panelists:

  • Prof. Dr. Karl Aiginger, Professor at WU and Founder of Policy Crossover Center Vienna Europe,

  • Dr. Peter Vandor, Senior Researcher, Competence Center for NPO and SE at WU

  • Bistra Kumbaroska, Social Impact Award International

  • Zoltán Árokszállási, CFA, Chief Macroeconomic Analyst CEE, Erste Bank

The discussion will be moderated by Teresa-Antonia Spari, Wirtschaftsressort Kronenzeitung. After the event we invite you for some refreshments.

If you plan to attend, please regista via mail to emcee@wu.ac.at.

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