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Your sustainable stay abroad

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Are you gearing up for studying or working abroad and looking to travel in an eco-friendly way? If you're planning to make your stay more sustainable, this website provides a variety of tips to help you make environmentally conscious choices.

Choice of destination

Here you see a student with his backpack standing in front of some bushes.

Are you considering different partner universities, International Short Programs, or internships abroad? Opt for a closer location! Choosing proximity reduces both your travel time and that of potential visitors. Additionally, it facilitates the use of environmentally friendly travel options, such as buses or trains.

How to get there eco-friendly

Traveling by train or bus is generally more eco-friendly than flying. Car sharing or carpooling can also be a good alternative. However, some routes may only be feasible by air. In these cases, opt for flights with minimal stopovers. As a compromise, consider flying to a major hub and then continuing your journey by train or bus. Additionally, ensure that the alternative travel options at your destination are safe and reliable.

Green Travel Support (Erasmus+ funding)

For exchange semesters and internships abroad: As a general rule, students travelling less than 500 km should use environmentally friendly means of transport (Green Travel). These include: bus, train, and bike. Find more info on financial support for travel costs:

    Things to consider on site

    Here you see a student standing in front of a flower. She is looking for tips on how to act envirnomental-friendly while abroad.

    Here are some practical tips for an eco-friendly stay abroad:

    1. Use public transport: Opt for public transportation whenever possible. If available, consider using car-sharing services or renting a bike.

    2. Stay longer in fewer places: To truly immerse yourself in the local culture, spend more time in each location. This approach allows you to experience the local people, culture, and nature more deeply, beyond just visiting tourist sites.

    3. Choose sustainable accommodation: Look for accommodations that prioritize sustainability. Eco-friendly options often feature energy-efficient buildings, recycling practices, and serve seasonal, locally-sourced food. Consider buying second-hand items, such as furniture and kitchen utensils, for your stay. Connecting with former exchange students who are leaving the country can be a cost-effective way to find such items.

    4. Conserve water: Be mindful of your water usage. Even while on vacation, keep showers short and reuse towels when possible.

    5. Learn about local waste separation: Familiarize yourself with local waste separation practices and always dispose of trash in designated bins to respect the environment.

    6. Minimize plastic waste: Bring reusable items such as a cotton bag, water bottle, and lunch box from home. This helps you avoid single-use plastic bags and costly small water bottles. In places with drinkable tap water, a reusable bottle can save you from buying bottled water.

    7. Respect wildlife: Do not support activities or organizations that exploit wild animals for photos or physical contact. For tips on planning animal-friendly vacations, click here.


    By following these guidelines, you can contribute to a more sustainable and respectful travel experience.

    Good to know

    A student is looking at her phone and searching for ways to travel more sustainable.