E&I Lead Student Meeting - Spring edition 2021

05. Mai 2021

On May 4th, the E&I Institute invited eight motivated and diligent E&I students to participate in the third virtual E&I lead student meeting.

With the help of the lead students, Prof. Franke and the entire E&I faculty gained valuable insights into reasons why students choose their SBWLs and identified a strong need for more networking events such as skill sharing workshops that bring together former and current E&Ilers. Finally, a very exciting and creative discussion was held about the positioning of a new E&I project course, which will be offered in the coming semester. If you want to be among the first people who find out about the new project course, stay tuned and subscribe to our social media channels!

A big thank you goes out to the lead students that dedicated their evening to improve the E&I institute for the coming generations.

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