Call for Master thesis

29. November 2019

How to attract the ‘right’ crowd in online innovation contests?

In recent years online innovation contests have gained popularity since the internet facilitates access to problem-solvers. In these contests, individuals decide freely, whether to join a contest (self-select in), or leave a contest (self-select out). Extant research assumes that this self-selection process is beneficial based on the premise that self-selecting individuals know more about their capabilities and knowledge than the publisher of the task (Geiger & Schader, 2014; Afuah & Tucci, 2012). In sharp contrast to its importance, the principle of self-selection in crowdsourcing is hardly investigated and hence understood. There is no guarantee that the voluntary and open character of innovation contests leads to efficient self-selection of problem-solvers.

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how to trigger efficient self-selection of problem-solvers into a crowdsourcing ideation contest.

Literature research, analysis of quantitative empirical data collected in a longitudinal field study (data will be provided).


Proficiency in using R as tool of data analysis

If you are interested in writing your thesis on this topic, please contact:
Dr. Kathrin Reinsberger (

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