Zwei Studierende stehen im Stiegenhaus des Teaching Centers

Multi-Level Policy

Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist aktuell nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

Semester: 1

Hours/week: 2


Lecturers: Verena Madner, Andreas Novy

Language: English

Learning Objectives: The course aims at providing a scale-sensitive understanding of global economic and political strategies and institutions, including multi-level policy and governance. The course should capacitate students to mobilise multiple perspectives (theories, methods, paradigms) to understand socio-ecological real world problem and to shape socio-ecological policies. The course should allow students to get an inter- and transdisciplinary understanding of the following four areas of research and policy:

  • Contextualization

  • Uneven development

  • Multilevel strategies of Firms

  • Multilevel Governance and Regulation