Studierende beim Lernen in der Bibliothek.

Nächste Schritte

Sie haben folgende Auswahl getroffen:
Bachelorstudium / Business and Economics / Reifezeugnis/Studienabschluss eines Nicht-EU-/EWR-Mitgliedslandes
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Schritt 1: Voraussetzungen

Teile des Inhalts auf dieser Seite sind aktuell nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

To be admitted to the Bachelor’s Program in Business and Economics, you are required:

  • To successfully complete your secondary school leaving examination or first degree/bachelor’s program (a degree program with a legally required duration of at least 3 years at a recognized international postsecondary educational institution [university or university of applied sciences])

    In case of national university entrance examination: official test result required (e.g.: Brazil, China, Colombia, Iran, South Korea, Turkey, Vietnam etc.)

  • To successfully complete the selection procedure for the academic year of admission to the bachelor’s program at WU

  • To present one of the accepted English certificates

You can register for the program and participate in the selection procedure even if you haven’t completed your secondary school leaving exam yet. However, you will only be admitted to the program if you present the original of the required certificate before the end of the enrollment period.
