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Mitteilungsblatt vom 12. August 2015, 47. Stück

239) Ausschreibungen von Stellen für wissenschaftliches Personal

Allgemeine Informationen:

Da sich die Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien die Erhöhung des Frauenanteils beim wissenschaftlichen Personal zum Ziel gesetzt hat, werden qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich aufgefordert, sich zu bewerben. Bei gleicher Qualifikation werden Frauen vorrangig aufgenommen. Alle Bewerberinnen, die die gesetzlichen Aufnahmeerfordernisse erfüllen und den Anforderungen des Ausschreibungstextes entsprechen, sind zu Bewerbungsgesprächen einzuladen.

An der WU ist ein Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen eingerichtet. Nähere Informationen finden Sie unter http://www.wu.ac.at/structure/lobby/equaltreatment.

Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten:
Wir bitten Bewerberinnen und Bewerber um Verständnis dafür, dass Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten, die aus Anlass von Auswahl- und Aufnahmeverfahren entstehen, nicht von der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien abgegolten werden können.

1) The Department for Global Business and Trade (Welthandel)  is currently inviting applications for a fulltime Assistant Professor position, tenure track (post-doc, employee subject to the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff - Angestellte/r gemäß Kollektivvertrag für die Arbeitnehmer/innen der Universitäten; gross monthly salary, paid 14 times per year: € 3.546,- (individual extra remuneration is negotiable). This employee position will be limited to a period of 6 years, starting on January 01, 2016 (commencement date subject to change).

Please note that under the terms of the WU personnel development plan, the position of Assistant Professor, tenure track, is limited to an employment period of not more than six years. For this position, a qualification agreement can be considered after a period of two years, pursuant to § 27 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. After successful fulfillment of any qualification agreement made, employment can be made permanent.

The candidate is expected to pursue an active research agenda in the area of "Leadership, Management, and Business Across Institutional and Cultural Boundaries" aiming at top journal publications (e.g. FT45, ABS Ranking). Furthermore, the candidate is expected to be strongly interested in collaborating with the different institutes of the department and to contribute to the overall academic standing of WU and the department in the international scientific community. It is also expected that the candidate actively applies for externally funded research projects. The candidate should be committed to excellence in teaching both at graduate and post-graduate levels. The teaching load will be four courses per year each course with 22.5 contact hours. Depending on the candidate's background, the candidate may teach courses in one or several of the department's programs such as the "CEMS Master in International Management", the "Master in Export and Internationalization Management", the "Master in Supply Chain Management", and/or one of the department's Bachelor specializations.

WU offers a competitive salary and substantial flexibility as to how the teaching load can be distributed across years (including sabbatical options). Furthermore, WU offers a generous travel budget for conferences, a large and professionally managed system of research support, and financial bonuses for publications in A and A+ journals.

Your Profile:
Applicants should possess:
- a doctoral degree or equivalent qualification in business administration or related disciplines
- a research and teaching focus in the area of "Leadership, Management, and Business Across Institutional and Cultural Boundaries"
- an international reputation as a researcher in his/her field and a good publication record (e.g. FT45 publications)
- strong skills in qualitative and quantitative research methods
- a demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching
- substantial international experience in non-German speaking countries (e.g. PhD from a foreign university, work experience abroad)
- a very high level of English (e.g. teaching experience in English); teaching experience in German is not necessary
- first experience in attracting research funding and/or experience in leading research projects

The candidates who have been shortlisted after an initial screening are expected to attend a hearing at WU. The department can reimburse applicants' travel and lodging expenses within certain limits as part of the selection and hiring process.

For details of the position, please contact the head of the selection committee Prof. Phillip Nell, Institute for International Business (IIB) via email: phillip.nell@wu.ac.at.

More information on the department and the department's institutes can be found here: http://www.wu.ac.at/welthandel/structure/en/

Reference Number: 2888

Application materials can be submitted online until September 30, 2015.

Apply here

Equal opportunities:
WU is an Equal Opportunity Employer and seeks to increase the number of its female faculty and staff members, especially in management positions. Therefore qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. In case of equal qualification, female candidates will be given preference. WU has an Equal Opportunities Working Group (information in German).

2) The Department of Socioeconomics is currently inviting applications for a fulltime Assistant Professor position, tenure track (post-doc, employee subject to the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff - Angestellte/r gemäß Kollektivvertrag für die Arbeitnehmer/innen der Universitäten; gross monthly salary, paid 14 times per year: € 3.546, individual extra remuneration is negotiable). This employee position will be limited to a period of 6 years, starting on October 01, 2015 (commencement date subject to change).

Please note that under the terms of the WU personnel development plan, the position of Assistant Professor, tenure track, is limited to an employment period of not more than six years. For this position, a qualification agreement can be considered after a period of two years, pursuant to § 27 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. After successful fulfillment of any qualification agreement made, employment can be made permanent.

The candidate is specifically expected to get involved in research projects with a focus on work in a sustainable economy and shall fulfill his or her duties in research in cooperation with representatives of the relevant field(s) both in and outside the University. She/He will teach on the Bachelor's and Master's level with a teaching load of eight hours a year (e.g. four courses with a minimum of 22.5 contact hours each). Depending on his or her background, the candidate may teach courses of Sustainable Economy for Bachelor students, in the MSc Socio-Economics as well as courses in the MSc Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy.

Your Profile:
You hold a doctoral degree/PhD in Economics or Socioeconomics and are international in your career progression (e.g. PhD from a university abroad or at least two years research experience abroad). You have ongoing international collaborations and a strong research record at the intersection of employment, distribution and environment or with a focus on work in a sustainable economy. Your research focus is strong, with a proven capability of publishing in top-tier journals in economics and other social sciences, and of writing grant proposals. You display broad interdisciplinary interests and a demonstrated ability to collaborate with different disciplines. You are committed to excellence in teaching on a bachelors' and masters' level and supervision of research assistants as well as to serving the scientific community and taking part in academic self-governance activities. You have strong quantitative skills (micro-, macro or spatial econometrics) as well as an interest in qualitative research. You have the capability of disseminating the research findings to a broader audience (policy makers, media) and dispose of excellent written and communication skills in English. Good written and communication skills in German are recommended. You have international and cross-cultural experience and understanding.

For details of the position, please contact Professor Ulrike Schneider, Chair of the Department of Socio-Economics, by phone: +43-1-31336-5872, or email: ulrike.schneider@wu.ac.at

Applications should include your CV, list of publications, letter of motivation, two letters of recommendation, research outline (5 pages) and teaching outline (incl. suggestions for teaching portfolio an your teaching philosophy).

Reference Number: 2889

Application materials can be submitted online until September 02, 2015.

Apply here

Travel and lodging expenses:
We regret that WU cannot reimburse applicants for travel and lodging expenses incurred as part of the selection and/or hiring process.

Equal opportunities:

WU is an Equal Opportunity Employer and seeks to increase the number of its female faculty and staff members, especially in management positions. Therefore qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. In case of equal qualification, female candidates will be given preference. WU has an Equal Opportunities Working Group (information in German).

Verlängerung der Bewerbungsfrist bis 19.08.2015

3) In der Abteilung für Unternehmensrechnung und Revision ist voraussichtlich ab 01.10.2015 für die Dauer von sechs Jahreneine Stelle für einen Universitätsassistenten/eine Universitätsassistentin prae doc (Teaching and Research Associate) (Angestellte/r gemäß Kollektivvertrag für die Arbeitnehmer/innen der Universitäten, monatliches Mindestentgelt: 1.997,18 € brutto, Anrechnung von tätigkeitsbezogenen Vordienstzeiten möglich), Beschäftigungsausmaß: 30 Std./Woche, zu besetzen.

Wir weisen darauf hin, dass der WU-Personalentwicklungsplan für Universitätsassistent/inn/en prae doc eine maximale Befristungsdauer von sechs Jahren vorsieht. Bewerber/innen, die bereits als Ersatzkräfte an der WU beschäftigt sind, können daher nur mehr für die auf sechs Jahre fehlende Zeit eingestellt werden. Die Wiederbestellung von Personen, die bereits eine Stelle als Universitätsassistent/in prae doc inne hatten, ist lediglich auf eine Stelle eines Universitätsassistenten post doc/einer Universitätsassistentin post doc im Tenure Track möglich.

- Mitarbeit bei Lehre, Verwaltung und Forschungsaufgaben (insb. eigener Dissertation) mit thematischem Bezug zu den Schwerpunkten der Abteilung
- Betreuung von Studierenden
- Mitbetreuung von Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Ihr Profil:
- abgeschlossenes Diplom-/Masterstudium der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften mit Spezialisierung im Bereich Rechnungswesen oder gleichzuhaltende Qualifikation
- Kenntnisse im Bereich Rechnungswesen und Wirtschaftsprüfung
- Erfahrung in der Durchführung von wissenschaftlichen Forschungsprojekten
- Erfahrung mit Forschungsmethoden (insb. qualitative Analyse von Rechnungslegungsdaten)
- sehr gute Englischkenntnisse
- Erfahrung im Verfassen von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (erste Publikationserfahrungen von Vorteil)
- erste Erfahrung in der universitären Lehre von Vorteil

Kennzahl: 2872

Ende der Bewerbungsfrist: 19.08.2015

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