Campus WU

Application & Admissions

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To enroll in the Business Communication master's program, you have to fulfill the minimum requirements for application and to prove your aptitude for the program. We are looking for ambitious international and national students with outstanding qualifications and excellent social skills.

Admission Requirements

You will find detailed information on the application process for the MSc in Business Communication (BizComm) in our application guide. If you have any specific questions, please check our FAQs or contact us via e-mail:

Minimum requirements for application:
  • Relevant Bachelor's program
    Completion of or current enrollment in a relevant Bachelor's program at a recognized Austrian or foreign post-secondary institution. Please consult our application guide for more details. It is not necessary to have completed this program at the time of application. However, proof of completion of your first-degree program is required at the time of your actual enrollment.

  • Sufficient proficiency in English
    Please find detailed information on accepted documents to prove your proficiency in English in our application guide.

Additional proof of aptitude, noting the following (all parameters are current as of July 2024):
  • all documents are to be submitted in English;

  • evaluation criteria will include, but are not limited to, clarity of presentation and authenticity;

  • make sure to observe guidelines as described below.

  • Curriculum vitae in English (without photograph).
    Make sure to explicitly outline the following:

    • Academic experience

    • Professional experience

    • Any extracurricular experience that has helped define you as a person

  • A sample of your own writing (600-800 words overall):

    • Introductory paragraph: "In your own view, what is the defining characteristic of business communication?" (150-200 words)

    • Then, answer each of the following questions (150-200 words per answer):

      • "Name a particular event in your academic or professional career [make sure to refer to a specific entry in your CV] in which cultural or language issues had a significant impact on communication."

      • "Describe the biggest communicative challenge you were facing when preparing your application for the Master's Program."

      • "The group of students admitted to the Master's in Business Communication each year comprises a wide range of nationalities and individual personalities. Based on your own cultural and educational background, describe areas in which you would expect such a diverse cohort to integrate and interact easily as well as those instances where you anticipate potential problems in this context."

  • Statement of motivation (400-600 words) including the following topics:

    • Motivation for studying BizComm: Why did you choose to apply for Bizcomm instead of other (business) communication programs? What makes BizComm special for you? Why are you applying at WU?

    • Relevant academic and practical experience: how does your academic background and your practical (professional and voluntary) experience qualify you for studying BizComm?

    • Future career plans: What do you want to do after completing BizComm? How will BizComm help you achieve these goals? Be as specific as you can at this point.

  • Personalized letter of recommendation written by a course teacher, an advisor or supervisor of an academic thesis, or the educational institution at which the course or courses were attended or the academic thesis was written, or a letter of recommendation from a supervisor from an employment relationship in which practical work experience relevant to the master’s degree program was acquired, detailing your achievement potential

Application for the next academic year (2025/26) will be open from September 1, 2024 onwards throughout the next rolling admissions cycle, observing the following deadlines:

  • priority deadline I: October 8, 2024 (11:59 pm CET)

  • priority deadline II: January 8, 2025 (11:59 pm CET)

  • priority deadline III: March 8, 2025 (11:59 pm CET)


Procedure for application and enrolment

We strongly advise third-country nationals to use the priority deadline I which ends at the beginning of October. Austrian visa procedures are complex and demanding. The visa process should be started as early as possible. Please note that WU cannot assist students in visa procedures.

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