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Brown Bag Seminar - Karin S. Thorburn

01. Juni 2023

Wir freuen uns, für 1. Juni 2023, ein Brown Bag Seminar ankündigen zu können.

Als Vortragenden dürfen wir Karin S. Thorburn (Norwegian School of Economics) begrüßen.

Sie wird ihr Paper "Bank Compensation for the Penalty-Free Loan-Prepayment Option: Theory and Tests” (Co-Autoren B. Espen Eckbo und Xunhua Su) vorstellen.

Abstract: Commercial and industrial bank loans typically include an option to prepay the loan without penalty (zero cancellation fee). We present a first analysis of how banks must be compensated for this option. Borrowers use the loan to fund investment projects and subsequently receive non-contractible information about project payoff. As high-quality borrowers self-select to prepay, the credit-quality of the bank’s borrower pool deteriorates. Hence, to avoid credit rationing, the bank must be compensated upfront with a minimum upfront fee combined with a lower loan spread. The upfront fee dominates the alternative of a cancellation fee as the latter gives rise to opportunistic ex post bargaining with the bank’s preferred clients. Large-sample tests, which include exogenous industry-level variation in loan prepayment risk, confirm that upfront fees increase with prepayment risk and are lower in credit lines and loans with performance-sensitive pricing, as predicted.

Das Brown Bag Seminar findet am 1. Juni 2023 von 12:00-13:00 Uhr im Raum D3.0225 statt.

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