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Exercise No. 27: General Hospital (dfm)

This simplified E/R schema shows a patient who gets examined by a doctor in the General Hospital.

The patient has an insurance which is underwritten by an insurance company. He may or may not (out-patient) lie in a hospital bed which is situated in a ward. The doctor making the examination works for a department which belongs to a hospital. If necessary a nurse can assist the doctor.
The time dimension consists of day, week and month.

Figure D.E.56.1 - General Hospital

Please identify the fact of interest and build the attribute tree.
Attributes that cannot be used for aggregation in a meaningful way should be tagged as non-dimension attributes in the fact schema (note: dob is short for date of birth).

Then derive the fact schema from the tree by defining dimensions, fact attributes and hierarchies and build a glossary for the fact attributes if there are any.