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Exercise No. 26: Project Management (log)

This cube stores data about work packages of a project.

We have four dimensions with the following hierarchical structure:

Table L.E.53.1 - project management

There are two key figures in this example, "costs" and "number of work packages". Each project has an additional attribute "P_co_phone", the phone number of the customer.

Please draw the Classic Star and the Fact Constellation Schema.


This case's Classic Star Schema has five tables, a central fact table and four dimension tables. The latter consist of a generated key as well as a key and a text field for each hierarchy (except the total aggregation) and the level attribute. The fact table uses the generated keys from the dimension tables as a combined key and contains two key figures ("costs" and "no. of packages") in this example:

Figure L.E.53.1 - The Classic Star Schema

The Fact Constellation Schema for this case consists of four dimension tables and 24 fact tables (2x2x2x3):

Figure L.E.53.2 - The Fact Constellation Schema

This exercise is part of a case study: dfm - apa - log