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Exercise No. 9: Sales Process (dfm)

This E/R schema shows a sales process.

Customers buy products which can be part of a product group. These products are sold by a salesman who is responsible for a certain sales area. The time dimension consists of week, month and year.

Figure D.E.3.1 - sales process

Please identify the fact of interest and build the attribute tree. Let us assume that information about the attribute costs of a product group shall not be transferred into the data warehouse. Costs are only interesting for the cost accounting department. Some attributes cannot be used for aggregation in a meaningful way. Those should be tagged as non-dimension attributes in the fact schema.

Then derive the fact schema from the tree by defining dimensions, fact attributes and hierarchies and build a glossary for the fact attributes if there are any.

Please include an additional fact attribute counting the number of purchases and calculate the fact attribute revenue.

This exercise is part of a case study: dfm - apa - log