The Limits to Globalization – Disruptive Geographies of Capitalist Development

Ort: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien , Teaching Center TC.1.01 OeNB am 26. Juni 2017 Startet um 18:00 Endet um 20:00
Art Vortrag/Diskussion
Vortragende/r Eric Sheppard
Veranstalter Institut für Economic Geography and GIScience and Department of Socioeconomics

Eric Sheppard, Professor for Economic Geography at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) will present the central theses of his recent book “The Limits to Globalization” published by Oxford University Press.

The uneven geographies that are bound up with capitalist globalization undermine its capacity to bring prosperity to all. In a geographically differentiated world, the ‘free’ markets propounded by neoliberal visions of capitalism cannot be self-regulating and harmonious; their creation and maintenance require continual spatio-temporal interventions by extra-market forces, and market-based principles are not adequate for redressing political, cultural or biophysical entanglements. Capitalism exhibits out-of-equilibrium dynamical complexity characterized by path-dependence, instability, unpredictability and conflict. It follows that a territory’s economic performance cannot be explained by place-based thinking, or addressed through place-based strategies, but depends on asymmetric connectivities with the wider world. Rather than the solution to impoverishment, globalizing capitalism is productive of social and geographical inequality, making it necessary to provincialise globalizing capitalism, drawing on peripheral experiences and encounters with it to take seriously alternative, more-than-capitalist experiments and trajectories. 

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