SustainabilityControversy X

Ort: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien , Library & Learning Center Festsaal 1 am 13. Juni 2016 Startet um 18:30 Endet um 20:30
Art Vortrag/Diskussion
Vortragende/r Timothy Snyder, Ingolfur Blühdorn, Johannes Koll, Verena Winiwarter, Melanie Wolf
Veranstalter Sonstige Kompetenzzentrum für Nachhaltigkeit

Learning from history – or not? The past, present, and future of (un)sustainability.

Following his bestselling book “Bloodlands”, historian Timothy Snyder has recently published his new work “Black Earth”. We will discuss Snyder’s ideas in the context of the current discourse on sustainability. “Eco-dictatorship”, “values”, and “participation” are buzzwords in this discourse. Against this background, it is worthwhile to explore potential lessons to be learned from the past in the search for (“sustainable”) paths of development that are compatible with democracy, freedom, prosperity, and peace.

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