Research Talk: Jeffrey Inman from the University of Pittsburgh on Digital Distraction

Ort: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien , Administration AD.0.090 Sitzungssaal 6 , EG01 am 28. April 2016 Startet um 13:00 Endet um 15:00
Art Seminar/Workshop
Vortragende/r Jeffrey Inman, Professor of Marketing at the University of Pittsburgh (US) Title of the talk: Digital Distraction: Consumer Mobile Device Use and Decision Making
Veranstalter Department of Marketing

The "Research Seminar Series" held by the WU's Marketing Department helps to connect our Faculty with outstanding international scholars from the Marketing field. Scholars from the world`s top universities are invited to present their latest research and to discuss the current trends and developments in all major areas of marketing research, including Consumer Behavior, Marketing Modeling and Marketing Strategy. In addition to the networking possibilities, this Research Seminar Series helps the WU faculty and PhD students to keep track of the recent theoretical and methodological developments in the marketing community and to both seek and receive early feedback on their own marketing research. The seminars are open to all WU faculties and students.

More information is available at the <link marketing international research-seminar-series>Department Website.

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