Red Bull – How wings are made

Ort: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien , Library & Learning Center 2.400 Clubraum am 27. März 2017 Startet um 17:00 Endet um 19:00
Art Vortrag/Diskussion
Vortragende/r Werner Depauly, Erhard Stadler, Martin Schneller
Veranstalter FI Forschungsinstitut Supply Chain Management

Vortragsreihe des Forschungsinstituts Supply Chain Management

Celebrating its 30th birthday in 2017, Red Bull currently sells more than 6 billion cans per year. Get an insight into the world behind the can, including the wall-to-wall production concept and the efficient packaging and transport solutions. Werner Depauly, Head of Global Purchasing, will illustrate the complexity of sourcing product ingredients and packaging materials across the globe. He will also talk about sustainability and Red Bull’s efforts to ensure its carbon footprint stays as small as possible throughout the entire lifecycle of the can. Erhard Stadler, Head of Global Supply Chain, will explain how Red Bull distributes its finished product globally from just two production plants and the challenges associated with this approach. For those interested in launching a career at Red Bull, Martin Schneller (HR Business Partner), will answer all career-related questions. After the session join us for snacks and Red Bull, at which time all speakers will be available for any further questions and discussion.

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