Marketing Study Day

Ort: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien , Administration AD.0.090 am 31. Mai 2016 Startet um 09:45 Endet um 15:45
Art Vortrag/Diskussion
Vortragende/r Gal Oestreicher-Singer (Tel Aviv Univ., Israel), Nils Wlömert (WU Vienna), Nina Mažar (Univ. of Toronto, CAN), Jie Zhang ( Univ. of Maryland, US)
Veranstalter Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Department für Marketing

The "Study Day" held by the WU's Marketing Department is an excellent opportunity to connect our Faculty with outstanding upcoming international scholars from the Marketing field. Once per semester, we invite several scholars from top institutions to present a current research project. In addition, selected students from the Marketing Department present their work in plenum or in parallel sessions (depending on their stage in the PhD process). The gained feedback from our guests allows our students to increase the quality of their work. The seminars are open to all WU faculties and students.

More information is available at the Department Website.

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