Lecture Series of the Research Institute for Supply Chain Management

Ort: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien , Teaching Center TC.3.01 Startet am 27. Mai 2019 um 17:00
Art Vortrag/Diskussion
Vortragende/r Prof. Ki-Hoon Lee
Veranstalter FI Supply Chain Management
Kontakt sekretariat.itl@wu.ac.at

Responsible Supply Chain and Social Sustainability: Management Research and Practice

In the global supply chain context, public concern for environmental sustainability (e.g. climate change, water scarcity, air pollution) and social sustainability  issues (e.g., poverty, hunger, income inequality, gender equity) over two decades have generated ‘social licence to operate’ in corporate boardrooms that  exceed regulatory compliance. However, scholars suggest that the sustainability research domain is not only narrowly-focused but also highly fragmented. Scholars suggest shifting the focus of research from “what” (sustainability definition) and “why” (reasons and motivations for engagement) to a greater concern for “how” firms can implement sustainable practices. In particular, academic and practical investigation in social aspects of sustainability under global supply chain context remain underdeveloped. This research seeks to examine social sustainability in responsible supply chain management from ‘doing good’ versus ‘doing well’ perspectives. The outcomes of the research provide the key areas of development and future directions.

Ki-Hoon Lee is Research Director and Professor of Business Sustainability and Sustainable Enterprise at Griffith Business School, Australia. He is Chairman of the Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting Network (EMAN) in Asia Pacific. He has published in the area of corporate sustainability management, sustainability and business value, and sustainable supply chain management with three books and more than 70 international journal articles.

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