Isoexposure analysis for business location insights

Ort: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien , Departments 2 0.038 am 12. Dezember 2016 Startet um 17:00 Endet um 19:00
Art Vortrag/Diskussion
Vortragende/r Antonio Paez
Veranstalter FI Supply Chain Management

Lecture Series of the Research Institute for Supply Chain Management

Transit agencies provide services that affect the accessibility landscape of urban regions. Some of these changes can be leveraged to increase revenue for the providers of the transit services, for instance, by developing relationships with commercial partners. Previous research has examined the potential of using geodemographics to assist transit agencies in the task of identifying potential partners for developing mutually beneficial commercial agreements. In this paper we describe an approach to model isoexposure to transit users as a tool to assess market potential. The approach is based on the analysis of walking behavior of transit users, and specifically distance walked at the end of their transit trip. Spatial modeling is used to geographically project estimates of walking distance for a desired demographic profile at a specific transit facility. After expanding the estimates using sample weights, overlays of these estimates can be used to generate variations in exposure to transit travelers at different locations in space. The approach is demonstrated using the case of Metro users in Montreal, Canada. The case study demonstrates the use of isoexposure profiles as a novel approach to generate marketing intelligence. This should be of interest to transit agencies and businesses interested in developing partnerships.

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