Info-Session: MBA & Master of Laws Programs

Ort: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien , Executive Academy 5th floor am 01. Juni 2016 Startet um 19:00 Endet um 20:30

Vortragende/r Prof. Barbara Stöttinger, Dean of the WU Executive Academy
Veranstalter Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien WU Executive Academy

MBA Experience: Meet students & get informed at our Info-Session

Insights into the degree programs at WU Executive Academy

In order to give you an impression of what you can expect from us and our partner business schools, Prof. Barbara Stöttinger, Dean of the WU Executive Academy, will provide you with information about the unique characteristics of our university with an emphasis on the Executive and Professional MBA programs.  You will learn about our programs, admission requirements and financing options. In just one and a half hours you will learn about our programs, admission requirements and financing options.

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