‘Empty’ texts or the backbone of professional practice? Value-texts from public authorities in Sweden

Ort: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien , Departments 2 D2 2.228 am 14. November 2017 Startet um 18:15 Endet um 19:45
Art Vortrag/Diskussion
Vortragende/r Prof. Anders Björkvall (Örebro University) and Prof. Catharina Nyström-Höög (Dalarna University) Sweden
Veranstalter Institut für Slawische Sprachen mit dem Institut für Englische Wirtschaftskommunikation
Kontakt katharina.klingseis@wu.ac.at

The presentation will revolve around two themes. The first one has to do with the concept of critical as in Critical Discourse Analysis (e.g. Fairclough, 1993) and Critical Genre Analysis (Bhatia, 2015, 2017): our initial data of 230 ‘platform of values’ texts from 2016 , representing 154 different Swedish public authorities invited to a CDA/CGA inspired approach centring on ‘soft’ power and hegemonic control (cf. Mulderrig, 2011). However, two recently gathered sets of data – a focus group with senior HR officers and a quantitative survey to civil servants – point in a partially different direction: control is downplayed in favour of ‘ethical’ aspects, collective goal achievement, and ongoing dialogues. How does this affect our critical approach to ‘platform of values’ texts and practices?

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