DynInTo – intelligent optimization based on validated forecasts How an idea forms into a product

Ort: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien , Library & Learning Center 2.400 Clubraum Startet am 20. März 2017 um 17:00 Endet am 20. Februar 2017 um 19:00
Art Vortrag/Diskussion
Vortragende/r Sandra Ratzenböck, Clemens Wodak
Veranstalter Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien DynInTo – intelligent optimization based on validated forecasts How an idea forms into a product
Kontakt isabel.uko@wu.ac.at

How an idea forms into a product

Supply Chain Management within the retail sector proves to be one of the most challenging fields to compete in for modern logistics enterprises. Ongoing demographic change, ever increasing urbanisation and the resulting concentration within cities lead to a constantly changing environment.

lbase is developing a new product called DynInTo to incorporate various challenging limitations and to enable a planning and monitoring tool that will serve as a one stop solution to enhance visibility for distribution and delivery as well as to increase the use of available data to be able to plan on the spot in an ever changing daily business.

The presentation will focus on how such an idea is created, how the process of promoting such a project for state sponsorship works in Austria, which technologies will be required and what challenges are ahead for developing an idea into a working solution and a marketable product.

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