Guest Speakers from Austrian Airlines (MSc Marketing): On Viennese Waltz and Marketing

28. November 2017

What does Viennese Waltz has to do with Marketing? A lot, it appears, when it comes to Austrian Airlines. Think of your last boarding experience on an Austrian Airlines flight. Even if you are still in LA, once you hear the waltz on board you feel home (or already “there”, depending on who you are)… These and other interesting marketing insights were shared by Austrian managers Ali Farhat and Julian Fischer today in their guest lecture with the Customer-Centric Management class (MSc Marketing). What makes the brand unique, how does Austrian see their customers, how do they segment the market, how do they bring about innovation offline and online, and how do they face the challenges of today’s airline industry? We thank the speakers for the vivid discussion they stimulated. We’ll think of them the next time we hear the waltz onboard, maybe in the brand-new “Premium Economy”.

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