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Speaker Series at the Department of Strategy and Innovation | Elisa Operti (ESSEC Business School)

08. Mai 2018

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Associate Professor Elisa Operti (ESSEC Business School)

Thema:  Analyzing the Systemic Features of Rivalry in Career Mobility

Abstract (short):
The paper proposes and tests a network theory of rivalry that addresses a key limitation of past research by demonstrating how rivalry spreads across levels of analysis and between social domains. Shifting the perspective from what rivalry does to what it prevents from doing, we conceptualize rivalry as a system of relational constraints that extends beyond the level of direct rivals. Using qualitative and quantitative data on the mobility of jockeys in the Palio di Siena (1743-2011), the famous horse race in Siena, Italy, we document relational gaps in the mobility network – career moves that do not occur, even if generally expected to. The analysis shows that rivalry constrains not only exchanges between rivals: it also limits moves to the allies of rivals and the rivals of allies. The effect of rivalry becomes stronger over time, attests that relational constraints endure in developed markets. A twofold process emerges, whereby mobility increases overall, but decreases within orbits of rivalry. The observed relational gaps are relevant not only to scholarship on rivalry, but also to mobility and network research.

Zeit: Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2018 von 14:00 bis 15:30 Uhr

Ort: University of Vienna, Meeting Room 4.313 (4th floor), Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien

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Um Voranmeldung wird gebeten bei Karoline Eadie ( bis 15. Mai 2018.

Die Vortragsreihe wird gemeinsam vom Institut für Strategie, Technologie und Organisation (Christopher Lettl) und der Strategic Management Subject Area der Universität Wien (Markus Reitzig) ausgerichtet. Die Reihe adressiert Themen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Strategie, Technologie, Innovation und Organization Design. Ziel der Reihe ist die Ermöglichung eines Forschungsdialogs innerhalb des Departments und zwischen Departments sowie der Aufbau von Netzwerken zu renommierten Forscherinnen und Forschern außerhalb der WU. Auf finden sich aktuelle Informationen zu den kommenden Vorträgen. Die Reihe ist Teil des FORSCHUNGSPROGRAMMS OPEN INNOVATION am Institut für Strategie, Technologie und Organisation.

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