Human Resource Management at Erste Group

Ort: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien , Teaching Center TC.2.01 am 05. Oktober 2017 Startet um 17:30 Endet um 19:00
Art Vortrag/Diskussion
Vortragende/r Mag. Markus Posch
Veranstalter Sonstige Competence Center for Emerging Markets and CEE

We cordially invite you to a presentation of Mag. Markus Posch, Head of Group Human Resources, at Erste Group.

Human resource management has a crucial role in a bank where a great diversity of people works together at multiple locations and committed and motivated employees are a competitive advantage. In his talk, Markus Posch will give an overview of the human resource management of this regional player in CEE. How are roles distributed between holding and subsidiaries and what are the main tasks in HRM today? At Erste Bank 45,000 employees serve 16.2 million clients in 7 countries.

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