
Ort: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien , Library & Learning Center Festsaal 1 am 25. April 2024 Startet um 18:00 Endet um 20:00
Art Social Event/Networking
Veranstalter Abteilung WU Gründungszentrum
Kontakt kristin.seidler-slezak@wu.ac.at

Take the opportunity to meet founders in an informal setting!

Take the opportunity to meet founders in an informal setting! Get to know them personally and meet like-minded people!

In a relaxed atmosphere, you will gain insights into what is especially important for dealing with failures and setbacks in startup and corporate life. After an approx. 1-hour talk you will of course have plenty of opportunity to ask your own questions and get to know interesting people while networking.

When: 25th of April 2024; 6 pm

Where: Festsaal 1, LC Buildung, WU Campus

Moderation: Riheb Hassan


Carina Roth (VC Investor, Former Co-Founder WisR)

Dejan Stojanovic (Founders Fuckup Nights, Serial Entrepreneur)

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/entrepreneurs-talk-tickets-866875506977?aff=oddtdtcreator

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