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Prof. Alexander Rust

Photograph: Prof. Alexander Rust

Alexander Rust is a Professor of Tax Law at the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law of WU, Vienna University of Economics and Business. He previously worked as a Professor of Tax Law and Director of the Master Program in European and International Tax Law at the University of Luxembourg, as an Acting Assistant Professor at New York University, and as an assistant at the University of Munich. He is a Co-​Editor of the Commentary Klaus Vogel on Double Taxation Conventions. His main research interests are tax treaty law, European tax law, and tax policy.

Professor Rust lectures on various international tax topics, acting as an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University, where he taught a course on European Tax Law, and at the University of Florida, where he taught a course on the same subject. He also gives lectures on the relationship between domestic anti-abuse rules and tax treaties, and on the structure and interpretation of double tax treaties, including at Comenius University in Bratislava and the Akademie der Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer in Vienna.