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Research Units at WU

Außenansicht des D4 Gebäudes

At WU, research is primarily carried out at the eleven departments and their associated institutes. Most of WU’s researchers are employed at the various departments, where they work on WU’s main research areas.

WU has also established research institutes to accommodate the many research topics that cut across department boundaries and require interdisciplinary work. The activities of WU’s research institutes include both applied and fundamental research. Research institutes are separate organizational units that work on specific inter- or transdisciplinary research programs that touch upon the subjects studied at various departments. Their objective is to stimulate cooperation across departments and expand existing research expertise. Their research programs are based on a general research topic and build upon previous research achievements recognized as relevant. WU’s research institutes are usually funded by third parties. WU also has five competence centers, the third major type of organizational unit in WU’s academic architecture, besides departments and research institutes.

The competence centers fulfill a coordinative function in research, teaching, continuing education, and consulting. Their objective is also to strengthen WU’s profile in research by emphasizing specific topics.



Finance, Accounting & Statistics

Foreign Language Business Communication

Information Systems and Operations



Public Law and Tax Law


Strategy and Innovation

Business, Employment and Social Security Law


Global Business and Trade

Research Institutes


Eco­nom­ics of Aging

Economics of Inequality

European Af­fairs

Experimental Research

Family Business

Health Care Man­age­ment and Health Eco­nom­ics

Human Capital and Development

International Taxation

Co-Operation and Co-Operatives

CEE Legal Studies

Spatial and Real Estate Economics

Com­pu­ta­tional Meth­ods

Reg­u­lat­ory Eco­nom­ics

Research on Capital Markets

Supply Chain Management

Urban Management and Governance

Com­pet­ence Cen­ters


Empirical Research Methods

Entrepreneurship Center

Emerging Markets and CEE

Experimental Research


Non-profit Organizations and Social Entrepreneurship

WU Executive Academy
