Fast track to full texts


We now take you even faster to the full text of a journal article.

Our new tool, LibKey, simplifies access to the library’s online content and open access articles. LibKey is integrated into the WU Catalog and literature databases like EBSCO, ProQuest, and Scopus, as well as Google Scholar.

How does LibKey work?

No action is required on your end to utilize LibKey in the catalog and selected literature databases. Simply connect to the WU network (PCs in the WU Library, Wi-Fi or VPN). LibKey will operate seamlessly in the background.

When searching in databases such as EBSCO, ProQuest and Scopus, simply click on the “WU@SFX” button to access the full text of an article directly if it is licensed by WU.

For further information, please refer to WU Library’s eLearning resources.