Appeal Review Committee

The Appeal Review Committee provides expert opinions for preliminary decisions on complaints pursuant to § 14 of the Proceedings of Administrative Courts Act (VwGVG, Verwaltungsgerichtsverfahrensgesetz) in cases where appeals have been filed against official decisions in study-related matters. The committee is authorized to make decisions on behalf of the Senate.

The Senate can authorize the Senate chair to approve committee resolutions on behalf of the Senate. The Senate may revoke this authorization at any time. If the Senate chair approves committee resolutions on behalf of the Senate, they have to inform the Senate of the approval at the next Senate meeting.

The members of the Appeal Review Committee have been appointed for the term of office from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2025.


For more information on the work of the Committees please see the document below:

Information for Members in Senate committees

If you have any questions regarding the Personnel Development Committee, please contact Ms Katarzyna Siwiec (tel.: 01 31336 ext. 5322 or by email) or Ms Doris Binderbauer (tel.: 01 31336 ext. 5047 or by email).