ERNOP Safe Spaces for Philantrophy | Zagreb | 28.06.2023

Location: Starting on 11 May 2023 at 09:15

Reinhard Millner, (Social Entrepreneurship Center, WU Wien) will be hosting a safe space session on Impact – (im)possibilities, managing internal and external expectations together with Kate Sullivan (The Human Safety Net, Generali Foundation).

ERNOP Safe Spaces will be taking place the day before the ERNOP research conference in Zagreb and aim at creating spaces for exchange between academics and philanthropy practicioners.

Parallel sessions will enhance discussions on impact, diversity and inclusion, engaging with stakeholders and empowering communities, advocacy by and for philanthropy as well as philantropic and voluntary leadership.

Reinhard Millner, (Social Entrepreneurship Center, WU Wien) will be hosting the safe space session on Impact – (im)possibilities, managing internal and external expectations together with Kate Sullivan (The Human Safety Net, Generali Foundation).

Impact has been on the agenda for years but still feeds debates among academics and puzzles many working in philanthropy. Discussions about (lack of) measurement tools and implications for (strategic) decision-making and from theories of change to unintended effects and attribution of implemented projects often lead to frustration and frozen organisations. What matters in terms of impact measurement? Can we move beyond the “definition”, engage in trust-based approaches, and connect evidence to strategy?

“Safe Spaces for Philanthropy” are organised by ERNOP, the European Research Network On Philanthropy in collaboration with Philea - Philanthropy Europe Association on June 28th and prior to the ERNOP Research Conference on June 29-30 in Zagreb.

Participation is free, but registration is required, and capacity is limited. Registration is open until 21 May.

More information and the full program

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