Schräge Außenansicht des LC Gebäudes

2 freie Stellen an der TU Wien


At the Institute of Information Systems Engineering, in the Research Unit of Machine Learning TU Wien is offering a position as

  • student staff in research/administration

for 20 hours/week. Expected start: August 2023. This position is limited until 31.01.2024, but no longer than the completion of a master's or diploma degree.

The Institute for Information Systems Engineering is looking for a

  • student assistant in research/administration

(20 hours per week) to join the Machine Learning Research Unit. This position (20 hours per week) is available from August 2023. The position is limited to January 31, 2024, or till the completion of applicant’s master’s or diploma course (whichever is earlier).

Application deadline: August 3, 2023

Link to the job advertisments

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