Schräge Außenansicht des LC Gebäudes

4 freie Stellen an der TU Wien


At the Institute of Logic and Computation, in the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence Techniques, TU Wien is offering a position as

  • University Assistant (post-doc)

for 6 years for 40 hours/week. Expected start: July 2023.

The Machine Learning Research Unit investigates fundamental machine learning questions and demonstrates the applicability of novel algorithms in real-world applications, often together with colleagues and collaborators from other disciplines. Challenges that we investigate often involve structured data such as graphs, iterative learning processes such as online/active learning, approximation/convergence guarantees, and computational questions such as the efficiency and parallelisation of machine learning algorithms. There is now an opportunity for you to join our research unit as a

  • University Assistant (prae-doc: 30 hours/week for four years)

Am Institut für Logic and Computation, im Forschungsbereich Theory and Logic sind zwei Stellen als

  • Studentische_r Mitarbeiter_in

in Forschung und Verwaltung, voraussichtlich ab September 2023 (jeweils 15 Wochenstunden) mit folgendem Aufgabengebiet zu besetzen. Diese Stelle ist bis Ende August 2024 befristet, längstens jedoch bis zum Abschluss des Master- oder Diplomstudiums.

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