Visit to Festo Didactic

Location: Starting on 31 July 2019 at 17:49

E&I staff members Klaus Marhold, Shtefi Mladenovska and Caroline Fabian visited Festo Didactic, the world leader in technical education, in Denkendorf, Germany on the 30th of July to discuss ongoing research projects and get a first-hand introduction to Festo Didactic’s broad range of solutions for technical learning.

Besides walking through a virtual training environment using the latest VR equipment, the E&I researchers visited a small-scale factory model used to train the future workforce in the important skills required for Industry 4.0.

Project “New Learning Technologies”

E&I and Festo Didactic are currently conducting a 4-year project with the aim of supporting Festo Didactic’s corporate strategy by providing support on the business aspects of the increasing prevalence of new learning technologies such as digital platforms and VR. The collaboration allows Festo Didactic to develop close relationships with more than 60 of WU’s top students every year through dedicated courses, academic theses and the overall joint research activities

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