WU’s University Board is now complete

Location: Starting on 12 April 2023 at 11:33

The new WU University Board is now complete. At its constituent meeting on April 11, 2023, the Board, which is one of the university's governing bodies and has supervisory and agenda-setting responsibilities, unanimously appointed Professor Thomas Bieger as its fifth member for the term of office from March 1, 2023, to February 29, 2028. Cattina Leitner was elected chair of the University Board.

The University Board of WU has five members. Cattina Leitner (attorney at law at DORDA) and Angela Köppl (senior economist at the Austrian Institute of Economic Research - WIFO) are appointed by the federal government; Cattina Leitner already served on the University Board of WU during the 2018 to 2023 term of office and chaired the board.

Christine Dornaus, member of the board of directors of Wiener Städtische Versicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group, was reappointed by the WU Senate. A new Senate appointee is Dietmar Griebler, chief executive director at the City of Vienna.

Together, these four members have now elected Professor Thomas Bieger, former long-time Rector of the University of St. Gallen and president of AQ Austria since 2022, as the board’s fifth member.

Tasks of the University Board

The University Board is WU's highest governing body alongside the Rector's Council and the Senate. It consists of five members who hold or have held positions of responsibility in society and who, based on their experience and knowledge, can support the university in fulfilling its tasks and achieving its goals. The University Board serves as a link between the university and the knowledge society.

The members of the University Board must not be affiliated to the university as employees, and they can only be members of one University Board at a time. The term of office is five years, and a single reappointment is possible.

The responsibilities of the University Board include the election of the Rector from a trio of candidates proposed by the Senate and the election of the Vice-Rectors, as well as concluding conclusion target agreements and employment contracts with the members of the Rector’s Council. It is also responsible for approving the Strategic and Organizational Structure Plans, the draft Performance Agreement, the university’s budget estimate, important measures to be implemented, and the establishment of companies and foundations by the university.

More information about the University Board of WU

Cattina Leitner
Chair of the University Board

Mag. Cornelia Moll
Tel: + 43-1-31336-4977
E-Mail: cornelia.moll@wu.ac.at

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