The Opportunities of Highly Integrative Basic and Responsive Research (Dec. 14)

Location: WU campus, LC Starting on 09 December 2021 Ending on 14 May 2019

LanguageGerman and English
Organizer STaR, ÖH, oikos

An invitation to a talk at the Department of Management Research Seminar Series, on behalf of our WU colleagues Renate Meyer and Michael Müller-Camen. . .

On behalf of our colleagues at the Department of Management, we would like to invite you to attend the upcoming talk at their Research Seminar Series.

The guest speaker Marc-David Seidel (University of British Columbia: UBC Sauer School of Business) will give a presentation on “The Opportunities of Highly Integrative Basic and Responsive Research.” 

When? Tuesday, 14th December 2021, 17.00-18.30 CET


Please note that registration is required for this event. If you would like to attend Prof. Marc-David Seidel’s talk, please e-mail the organizers by 13th of December:

[STaR team thanks professors Renate Meyer and Michael Müller-Camen for these inputs]

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